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Panic Bars, Importance in Commercial Property

If you are asking yourself – should I get a panic bar installed at my business property? Then the answer is very likely yes. The fact that you are thinking about it is very important and key in protecting those who enter your property. Or maybe you have no idea what a panic bar is. You might be wondering if it is a device you have installed so you can press down on it to have an alarm go off…this is close, but not quite the purpose. Here, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about panic bars, also known as crash bars, panic devices and exit devices, and the importance of this feature in commercial properties. 

We will begin with the basics. What is a panic bar? It is an instrument used with the purpose of opening a door – the way that it works is someone presses down on a bar and this allows the door to be pushed open. It’s a good feature because you can avoid having to twist or turn a door knob. You can avoid having to pull out a key to unlock a door. This can be critical in an emergency.  

A panic bar will give you another layer of security for your property, but moreover, it will help to protect people. This is important for you to think about, because you have a responsibility for those who enter your property as a business owner. An exit device can help crowds to stay away from crushing and crowding during a situation in which a quick exit is needed. 

You should know that the OSHA or Occupational Safety and Health Administration, in certain scenarios, mandates that doors can be opened from inside without using a key – and with a panic bar, one can open a door by pressing down on a rod. This retracts a latch and lets you open the door with ease. If you have people who are handicapped enter your property, this will be an easier way for them to exit, too. 

Have You Noticed Panic Bars Recently? 

Panic bars are often seen in commercial properties. You might have seen them in your doctor’s office, on your college campus, at a movie theater and in a similar place. Any place that sees a lot of foot traffic, realistically, should have one installed. 

Codes and Panic Bars 

Check into the National Fire Protection Association Code. There are certain things you need to be following, so if you own a property, make sure you are taking the appropriate steps to help people if an emergency occurs. 

Panic Bars and Alarm Systems

Did you know your panic bar can be tied in with a fire alarm system? We sort of touched on this earlier. You can have the panic device set up in such a way that when it is used, an alarm is triggered. On the other hand, you can have the panic device installed in such a way that it opens when the fire alarm is triggered. This can save lives. Because of how significant panic bars are for commercial properties, it is recommended that you have an expert install yours to ensure everything is working properly. 

Panic Bars and Insurance Costs

Panic bars are important for many reasons, but did you know that yours might actually help to save money? If you opt to have a panic bar installed at your commercial property, you might be able to take advantage of a financial benefit – we are talking about a drop-in insurance cost. 

Types of Panic Bars 

There are different options available if you want a panic bar. Maybe you want a long bar style. Or maybe you are more interested in a small, lever handle style device. Perhaps you have a certain finish in mind or size. Of course, a locksmith can help you to narrow down your options. 

Here is what you need to know if you are getting ready to buy or just starting to look into purchasing your panic bar. It is a good idea to reach out to an expert so you can make sure to have it installed correctly. This will entail hiring a locksmith who is insured and licensed. 

If you want or are thinking about getting a panic bar for your property, then we hope you will consider how important it actually is based off this article. When you do decide that you want a panic bar, we can’t emphasize enough the importance of having a professional who is experienced do the job for you. You don’t want it to be installed incorrectly, as it could cause a glitch in your security system or otherwise fail to do its job. Roswell GA Locksmith LLC in Roswell, Georgia offers a wide range of commercial locksmith services, and panic bar installation is just one of those services. We hope if you are in our service area, you will reach out with any questions regarding panic devices.  

Panic Bars Are Important for Commercial Properties 

Now you know why panic bars are important for commercial properties. They allow for a quick exit. They are sometimes mandated depending on the law and code. They offer handicapped accessibility. A panic bar can be connected to your alarm system. These devices can help you to lower your insurance costs. If you have a situation come up that requires a large group of people to exit your property fast, you will be able to rest easy knowing that your panic bar is there. The device could allow for the prevention of injury or even death.  

Connect with a locksmith if you want more information on crash bars or any other commercial property lock and security service. Panic devices are good to have and they are quite affordable, as you have many different options at your disposal. As a business property owner or manager, you need to be taking the right steps to protect people. This is one way to do so.